A Guide to Radiant Living - Where Wellness Meets Wonder

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Life Update: 04.25.17

Hello World!

So I want to first start by apologizing for not posting on Saturday. I could lie and say I was doing something important, but the truth is I literally spent all weekend watching Boy Meets World (I need help).

Playoffs Updates: The Warriors swept! Go DubNation!!!

The Pacers got swept. :(  Rockets looking to close out the Thunder tonight! Memphis surprisingly tied up the series with San Antonio, but I still think the Spurs are going to win.  Griffin is out, so I think the Jazz might be able to win the series, but it doesn't really matter who wins that series, because they get the Warriors next. Like Dame Dolla said last night, if you ever want to get out the West, you have to go through the Warriors.

School is finally winding now. My professors literally do not care anymore, and neither do I. I have one more test, and then finals, and that's it.

I'm debating whether I should go to Compicpalooza this year. I want to go, but I don't know if i can afford it. I had unexpected expenses regarding my son's health (he's doing better now).  The tickets are $70 each, but I don't if it's worth it. I mean, the coolest person who's going to be there is Anthony Mackie! Anthony Mackie!?!  Oh well, decisions, decisions....

Au ReVoir

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