A Guide to Radiant Living - Where Wellness Meets Wonder

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Summer's Over

Hello World!

I am writing this post from the airport before I board the plane to take me home - back to H-town! This means my summer is officially over.  And it's a little bittersweet. On the one hand, I'm excited to go home and see my family, but on the other hand I'm going to miss my friends and colleagues and the work I was doing. And then there's the fact that I start school on Monday, which I am never looking forward to. :( 

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Independence Day!!!

Hello World!

Happy Independence Day or 4th of July! Or as someone people like to say, Happy 2 days before my birthday! 

Okay first off, let's just address the elephant in the room.

I have been away for a month. But let's take a look at what I said in my last post.
See, I told you guys and I quote "I don't know how often I will post this summer." Well, it would seem this summer, I would post as often as once a month. And I also said, " if I don't have the time, I will let you guys know," so this is me letting you guys know. And the fact that I'm posting now counts as me not disappearing all summer, so there's that as well. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Where the heck have I been?

Hello World!

Omg! I got online today and realized I haven't posted in 3 weeks! I don't know what happened. I didn't realize it had been so long. I'm so sorry. I guess I just got busy and compounded with my perpetual laziness,  I just lost track of time.  But alas I have found my way, and  I indeed have much to inform on you on. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a slightly longer than usual post today.

Okay, when I last left you, I was neck-deep in my Supernatural obsession and deeply invested in the NBA Playoffs. So none of that has really changed, except I have taken a break from Supernatural because I only have 2 more seasons left and I'm not ready for it to be over. So I've been stemming the tide by re-watching season 13 episodes and watching a tone of Supernatural convention panels. Yeah, it's really bad, but we all have our vices. But for real for real, I've watched so many convention panels, that I'm strongly considering going to the Supernatural convention in Vegas this December, and I hate Vegas, so that's saying a lot. But we'll see. Who knows what I'll be obsessed with come December?

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Tuesdays with Kerin: This is It!

Hello World!

This is it! I'm done! I did it! I had my last final today, and now I'm done with the year! YASSSSSS!!! This time couldn't have come any later, because I am so done with school. But alas now I get a reprieve. 
Hmmm.. let's see what did I do last week...

Well my new found love of Supernatural has turned into full blown addiction. It is literally all I do. I sit down, eat ice, and play Solitaire while I watch Supernatural. I'm over halfway through season 7 now, and it's still good!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Real Techniques Brush Crush Collection: What's the Tea?

Hello World!

So a few weeks ago, I ordered the new limited edition Brush Crush Collection from Real Techniques, and I've finally gotten around to using it. The collection has 8 brushes, a sponge, and a silicon applicator. The design of the whole collection is very cute with pink, purple and glitter! But do they work? I tried everything from the collection and here are my thoughts.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Tuesdays With Kerin: Wednesday May 2nd

Hello World!

So this is the part where I would usually say something about not posting last week or the fact that today is Wednesday and not Tuesday, but you already know the drill, so I think I'll just skip all that and get right to it. Okay, then.

This is my last week of school! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Then I have finals next week, and I'm done with school!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Tuesdays with Kerin: Another Wednesday Update

Hello World!

So yeah it's another Wednesday update, so maybe I should rename this series Tuesdays/Wednesdays with Kerin... nah! That's too much extra work!

So what's been happening? What's up? I always tell you guys what's going on with me, but never ask about you. How rude! So let me know in the comments.

Rampage PosterBut back to me... let's see what did I do last week...

Monday, April 16, 2018

Makeup Tutorial: Least Used Products

Hello World!

Whenever I do my makeup, I find myself always reaching for the same products. I have like 2-3 products that I'll just keep in rotation, or I'll buy something new, and then only use that for a few months. What can I say? I like what I like.

But I was going through my makeup collection, and I rediscovered some products that I really like, but for some reason, I never reach for. So, I created this look using the least used products that I have!

Here's the tutorial on how I got this look!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesdays With Kerin: Free Time

Hello World!

Aye I'm back and  I'm better
I want you bad as ever...

Just kidding, I'm back, but I don't think I'm any better, and I certainly don't want you anymore than usual, but I don't know I guess I had a little Bryson Tiller in me today. 

Anyway, so how did you guys like the spam of last week? That was four post in one day! Like that was a lot. And it wasn't easy. I love watching movies, and writing reviews, but they are not easy. Reviews take a lot of time and thought. And when I got to A Quiet Place, my brain was just like no, I'm done. So I don't plan on ever doing that again... so I guess I'll just have to stick to posting a on regular basis, so I'm not doing catch-up work.

Friday, April 6, 2018

An Update and A Warning

Hello World,

I know it's been a while, and honestly I only have the same excuse as before... laziness. I know it's bad, but it's one of my defining character traits. But in all honesty, I didn't give a life update last week, because I really didn't have anything to talk about. But now I have over 2 weeks of life, surely I did something, right?

Let's see... I have developed an unhealthy obsession with the show Catfish. I think it replaced my Youtube addiction, which has simmered down, post-Lent. Now that I can watch Youtube again, I don't really watch it that much. I guess since I spent 40 days without it, I don't really need it anymore.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesdays with Kerin: Post-Spring Break Blues & Giveaway

Hello World!


Today was the official start of Spring, but Spring Break is over for me, and I'm having post-Spring Break blues. 

Yesterday I had to return school and work, and it was so hard. The day just seemed to never end... It felt like the longest Monday of my life. But alas, that is my reality once again, and I must get back adjusted to my regularly scheduled life. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Big News: Kerin's Korner Update!!!

Hello World!

Today, I decided to make some changes to Kerin's Korner, specifically when and how I post. You may have noticed in the last 2 weeks I've missed some posts, and posts have been going up later and later. The truth is posting everyday is a lot of work. I thought I could do it, but I now know, I really can't - not if I want to continue to post good content. You may have noticed a decline in the quality of my posts, and that's because I've just been posting because I need to post something. And that's not what I want to do. I want to post good quality content. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tuesdays With Kerin: Downtown, Movies, and Giveaway Alert!

Hello World!

This weekend (really starting Thursday), I took a break from my regularly scheduled life, and lived in Downtown Houston! It was great! My sister and I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites, and Thursday afternoon, we saw a special D23 screening of A Wrinkle in Time at the Hobby Center! I was very excited, because A Wrinkle in Time was my favorite book as a child! We then had lunch at this cool joint, Osso + Kristalla. If you're in Houston, you should check them out. Later we checked out the AMC theater downtown, formerly Sundance Cinemas. Friday was more exploring. We attempted to find shopping downtown, but were relatively unsuccessful, but we did find a Forever 21, and I was able to buy some new jeans.  Saturday was even more exploring! We caught the metro, and explored Discovery Green, the City Hall, and the Theater District! It was also a very hot day, so we did take a pit stop at Hard Rock Cafe for lunch! Sadly, Sunday was our day to check out, and return to reality. It has been a hard adjustment after such a great weekend, which is why I aim to make #downtownliving a reality in the near future!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Makeup Monday: Best of e.l.f.!

Hello World!

e.l.f. cosmetics is one of my favorite brands, because they make really good products and they are insanely affordable. I created this look using some of my favorite e.l.f. products.

If you're looking for some affordable makeup that works, I recommend checking out e.l.f. Here's a list of what I think are their best products, and what everyone should have in their makeup kits!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Tuesdays with Kerin: Quick Update

Hello World!

So this is going to be really quick post just to update you on what's been going on.

  1. I want apologize for last week. It was a bad week. I missed a lot of posts. It'll probably happen again. I'm sorry but that's the honest truth.
  2. Thank you to everyone who participated in the twitter poll and voted for which movie I should review next. Should I do more polls? 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Tuesdays with Kerin: Wednesday with Kerin

Hello World!

Yes, I know today is Wednesday, and Tuesdays with Kerin are supposed to be on Tuesdays. And yes, I know I missed my post yesterday. But are we really surprised? You knew I was bound to miss a post eventually. But alas, the Tuesday post is still happening. Just a day late!

I don't really have anything to update you guys on. I didn't really do anything last week. If I wasn't doing anything, then why did I miss my post? I dunno... I'm lazy.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Maybelline Superstay Full Coverage Foundation: What's The Tea?

Hello World!

I've been dying to get my hands on the new Superstay Full Coverage Foundation from Maybelline, and I finally got to try it!  Here's the look I created  using the foundation, and I think it turned out beautifully. I used the shade 356 Warm Coconut. 

Maybelline is one of my favorite makeup brands, and definitely my favorite from the drugstore, because they do so many things right. And foundation is definitely one of them! I love the Fit Me Matte + Poreless foundation, and this foundation is like the full coverage version of that! When I say full coverage, I mean FULL coverage! A little goes a long way with this foundation. The coverage is incredible, but it's not heavy and blends easily.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

#TBT Playlist: 2002

Hello World,

Let's just continue this journey into 2002 shall we...

If there are any specific posts you'd like to see, let know via comment, twitter, instagram, etc. 

Au Revoir,

P.S. If you have a google account, make sure to hit the follow button on the top left to follow the blog

P.S.S. Follow me on twitter and instagram @kerinskorner to stay up to date!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tuesdays with Kerin: Movies, Books and Basketball

Hello World,

How's Lent going so far? I've been struggling this first week. I have YouTube set up as an automatic tab, whenever I open my browser, so everyday I'm tempted to just click that tab, and watch some vids! Sometimes, I do open YouTube, and scroll through the new videos that I can't watch. I'm suffering from serious FOMO!

Without YouTube to occupy my time, I've been reading a lot. I finished Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick this weekend, and Matched by Ally Condie yesterday. Both books were pretty good, and I'd recommend them to anyone who's a fan of YA novels. Hush Hush is a supernatural romance/ mystery, and Matched is dystopian romance. I'm looking for new suggestions of books!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Makeup Monday: Chocolate Monochromatic Look

Hello World!

I created this look for the e.l.f. Beautyscape contest, so here's the tutorial on how I created this Chocolate Monochromatic Look!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Kerin's Top 10: NBA All Stars 2018

Hello World,

Happy NBA All Star Weekend! 

Today is the first day of All Star 2018! *cheers and applause* I don’t know about you, but I’m only moderately excited, but nonetheless here’s my list of the Top 10 All Stars, or Top 10 best players in the league today.  Also, I’m including players that were voted or selected to be All Stars, regardless of injury or if they’ll actually play in the game on Saturday.

10. Klay Thompson – Golden State Warriors

9.  Giannis Antetokounmpo – Milwaukee Bucks

8. DeMarcus Cousins – New Orleans Pelicans

Thursday, February 15, 2018

#TBT Playlist: 2001

Hello World,

Today I decided to continue our journey through the 2000s decade. So here's a playlist of my favorite songs that were released in 2001! Enjoy! (BTW You can 60 days of Spotify for free! Click Here!)

If there are any specific posts you'd like to see, let know via comment, twitter, instagram, etc. 

Au Revoir,

P.S. If you have a google account, make sure to hit the follow button on the top left to follow the blog

P.S.S. Follow me on twitter and instagram @kerinskorner to stay up to date!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Happy Galentine's Day!

Hello World,

Happy Galentine's Day! 

Get excited that means tomorrow is Frederick Douglass's Birthday! How will you celebrate?  Today is also Mardi Gras in some circles, so Happy Mardi Gras, I guess... Anyway, since it is Galentine's Day, today is the perfect opportunity to get together with girlfriends and have some fun! I'll probably be catching a movie with my sister! I'm thinking Maze Runner: Death Cure, but I don't know. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Makeup Monday: Natural Glowy Look

Hello World!

Lately, I've been rocking a version of this look everyday. I wear it to school, to work, to the movies, to bed... Anyway here's how I got this everyday natural glowy glam look. Enjoy!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Kerin's Top 10: Must Have Makeup Brushes

Hello World!

Since in the world that is Kerin's Korner, this week started on Tuesday, there was no Makeup Monday this week. ☹ So I thought I just sneak a cheeky little makeup post in today! Don't worry, it's still a Top 10, so I'm not breaking any rules.  Anyway here's the top ten makeup brushes and tools, I think every makeup user needs to have in their kit.

1. Flat Top Kabuki Brush

Perfect for blending out liquid and cream products! It makes your job easier and quicker and leaves you with a flawless, airbrushed finish! I use it for foundations, but it could also be used for cream contour and blush. Just about every brand makes a version of this brush so you can find it anywhere. I personally really like the one from Real Techniques.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

#TBT Playlist: 2000

Hello World!

Let's go back to the turn of the century - 2000, where I was a young 6 year old lass. Hmm... good times. Anyway, here's the playlist of my favorite songs that were released in 2000! Enjoy!

Angel - Shaggy featuring Rayvon

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

GIVEAWAY (Houston Only): Black Panther Opening Night Tickets - ENDED!!!

Hello World,

I'm giving away tickets for two for Black Panther on opening night! The contest starts today, and will end next Tuesday, February 13, 2018 @ 11:59pm

Enter below with 3 easy steps:
   - Visit my Facebook Page
   - Follow me on Twitter
   - Follow me on Instagram

You can earn an additional 5 entries, by commenting on any one of my blog posts! And every day you can earn an additional entry by tweeting about the contest! This contest is for the Houston Area onlyWinner will be notified Wednesday February 14, 2018. 

Au Revoir,

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

GIVEAWAY: Fifty Shades Freed! - ENDED!!!

Hello World,

I'm giving away passes for two for an advanced screening of Fifty Shades Freed tomorrow night in Houston, Texas! The screening will be held at the Edward's Greenway Grand Palace 24 & RPX at 7:30pm. Contest is for today only! Winners will be notified tomorrow morning!  ENTER HERE Good luck!

Au Revoir,

Tuesdays with Kerin: I'm back... Again

Hello World,

Guess who's back...
Back again...
Kerin's back...
Tell a friend...
Guess who's back... Guess who's back... Guess who's back....

And I mean actually back. I know in August I posted something quite similar ( maybe verbatim) and then I disappeared for 5 months, so I understand if you're hesitant to trust me again. But I promise you this time, I'm really back and better than ever. Well maybe not better... maybe more or less the same... probably worse... but I digress. The point is that Kerin's Korner is being resurrected!
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