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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: Work, Run, Sleep, Repeat

Happy Tuesday!

Can you believe it's already the last day of my 30-day wellness challenge? Time really flew by, and we're about to step into May! Reflecting on these past 30 days, I'm feeling pretty satisfied with how the challenge went. It wasn't flawless, but I believe I achieved what I set out to do. Considering doing it again sometime soon. If you haven't given it a shot yet, I highly recommend challenging yourself. You might just surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.

Transitioning into the fitness realm, last week marked the kickoff of my 8-week 10K training block, and it started off on a good note. I managed to squeeze in 3 runs, although I did fall short of completing my long run over the weekend. I've been struggling a bit with finding the motivation to exercise on weekends; the temptation to lounge around in bed all day is real. But, I'm determined to tackle my long run this upcoming weekend. It's a 6K, the longest distance I'll have tackled in a while, so it's crucial for me to push through and continue progressing towards that 10K goal. While I don't have any races lined up until Memorial Day, there's a Cinco De Mayo race this weekend that I'm still pondering whether to sign up for or not.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tuedays with Kerin: Sleep & Relaxation

Happy Tuesday!

I'm feeling absolutely fantastic this morning! I had a restful 6 hours of sleep last night, with a solid 90 minutes of deep sleep – a rare feat for me that I'm over the moon about. Lately, I've been hitting the hay earlier, and it seems to be doing wonders for my sleep quality. While I've been relying on my trusty melatonin gummies, I'm contemplating giving them a break tonight. As we dive headfirst into the sleep segment of my 30-day wellness challenge, I'm optimistic that my sleep patterns will only continue to get better from here on out.

Reflecting on last week, it started off a bit lackluster, but things took a turn for the better towards the end. A last-minute online early screening of  The Idea of You on Wednesday night brought unexpected joy to my day – Anne Hatha-slay truly never fails to impress! The resurgence of romantic comedies has me excited! Speaking of, I've got my sights set on catching  Anyone But You when it hits Netflix this weekend.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: A Sleepy Update

Happy Wednesday!

So, I'm a little tardy to the party with this update, but life happens, right?  I hope you're all doing well! Apologies for the delayed update; I've been a bit under the weather lately, dealing with a touch of melancholy and some rough bouts of sleep paralysis. It's strange how these episodes come and go in waves. If anyone has tips on managing sleep paralysis, I'm all ears. It's been adding to my sleep anxiety, which isn't ideal.

Speaking of sleep, I've been popping these melatonin gummies like they're candy. They're like a little slice of sleep heaven, but I'm trying not to get too hooked. I mean, who wants to be dependent on gummies for shut-eye, right?  They've been a comfort, though, and I feel like they've been doing wonders for my rest. Last week, I actually surpassed my sleep goal, averaging a solid 7 hours per night! As I gear up for the sleep phase of my 30-day challenge, I'm realizing the importance of establishing a more consistent bedtime routine.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: 9 Days In

Happy Tuesday!

So, here I am, 9 days deep into my 30-day wellness challenge, and I must say, things have been going well – pun totally intended! The physical health challenges were a piece of cake, and now we've transitioned to focusing on nutrition. Admittedly, I did have a little slip-up already. The goal yesterday was to incorporate a serving of fruits or vegetables with every meal. While I managed to have a hearty serving of cabbage during lunch yesterday, I fell short because I didn't eat breakfast and dinner. Nevertheless, it's all about progress, not perfection, right?

I got back into the swing of things with my training last week. Four runs, two killer training sessions for both upper and lower body, and even squeezed in a 30-minute mobility session. Ah, it felt so good to be consistent again! On the running front, I conquered my longest distance yet - a 7K, which is equal to just under 4.5 miles. Surprisingly, I completed it in nearly an hour, surpassing my own expectations. Who knew I had it in me? Just gotta triple that distance, and boom, I'll be ready for a half-marathon!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Tuesdays With Kerin: The Return

Welcome back to another edition of Tuesdays with Kerin! I know, I know, you've been eagerly awaiting my return, right? I'm thrilled to be reconnecting with all of you for our weekly catch-up session. For my loyal followers, you already know the drill, but for those new to the scene, this is where I spill the tea on what's been happening in my world each week.

So, this week has been pretty chill for me. I laced up my running shoes and tackled another 5k race because apparently, I just can't get enough of them. It's my fourth one this year, if you count the virtual race I did to make up for oversleeping on the Lucky Charm 5k. Whoops!

I've been trying to get back into my running groove after taking a little hiatus. It feels like I'm starting from scratch, but hey, I'm determined to push through and get my endurance back. It's probably a good idea to reincorporate strength training into my routine to enhance my stamina for those long runs. Back when I achieved my personal best, I was diligently hitting the weights. Fortunately, my home gym is decked out with all the necessary gear, so I can sweat it out without stepping foot outside.

I've got about 4 weeks left in my 5k training block, and my goal is to conquer a 34-minute 5k. Then, it's on to 10k training. The grind never stops!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Confessions of A Proud Introvert

Welcome to my little corner of the internet, where I, a proud introvert, am ready to spill the tea on what it's really like to live life on the quieter side. Let's face it, being an introvert in a world that favors the loud and the outgoing can be tough. We introverts often find ourselves labeled as shy, rude, or even snobbish – when really, we're just trying to navigate this extroverted world in our own quiet way. 

Get ready to discover that us introverts aren't just antisocial hermits – we're complex, thoughtful individuals with a lot to offer the world. It's time to dive into the truths, unravel the mysteries, and celebrate the quirks of introverted life. Without further ado, here are 10 honest confessions about me as an introvert.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Why I Have a Blog ( And You Should Too)?

Writing has always been a passion of mine, and over the years, I've found that it's not just a hobby but a form of self-expression that holds immense value. I remember the first time I started my blog, pouring my thoughts and experiences onto the digital pages, unsure if anyone would ever read them. But regardless of the number of readers, I quickly realized the importance of writing and the impact it can have on our lives. It's a way to connect with ourselves and others, a therapeutic outlet for our thoughts, and a vehicle for personal growth and self-discovery. And it's truly why I continue to pour my heart and soul into this little corner of the internet.

The Value of Writing

Growing up, I was always lost in my own little world, filled with characters and stories that felt so real to me. Writing became my outlet to bring these thoughts to life and embark on a journey of self-discovery through words. Starting my blog was a big step for me. It was a way to share my thoughts and experiences with others, even if no one was reading. The act of writing itself was so fulfilling, allowing me to express myself authentically and freely.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

No Spend Lent: How I'm Daring to Ditch the Dollar for 40 Days

It's Ash Wednesday today! A happy Ash Wednesday to you! Now, I'm not sure if people usually greet each other like this on Ash Wednesday, but it's a significant day because it marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Although I'm not a Catholic, I attended a Catholic school for four years. During this time, I was introduced to the practice of observing Lent, and I've adopted the practice into my life.

For those who may not know, Lent is a significant Catholic religious observance that occurs every year. It's a time to remember the 40 days that Jesus Christ spent fasting in the desert, facing temptation from Satan, all before he began his public ministry, as narrated in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. 

Lent isn't just about remembering these biblical events. It's also a season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It starts on Ash Wednesday and ends at sundown on Holy Thursday. The purpose of this season is to prepare for the celebration of the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. So, during Lent, we strive to connect with the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture, serve others through giving alms, and practice self-control through fasting.

Most people observing Lent choose to either give something up or take on something new during these 40 days. The idea is that this sacrifice will bring you closer to God. This is the part of Lenten practice that I personally resonate with. I don't usually abstain from eating meat on Fridays, but perhaps I might give it a shot this year.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

From Frustration to Freedom: Why I'm Finally Giving Up on Growing on Instagram

From now on, I'm stepping away from the crazy rat race of trying to grow my following on Instagram. It's become such an unnecessary source of stress, and, honestly, I’ve had enough. You might have noticed that my blog posts have been dwindling. That's because I've been spending an inordinate amount of time figuring out what to post on Instagram. What will attract more followers? What do they want to see from me? And the truth is, I don’t really know. But I've reached a point where I don't care anymore. 

When I first launched Kerin's Korner in 2017, my goal was never to amass a huge following, especially not on Instagram. I wasn't even an Instagram user back then. I simply switched my personal account to a business one to promote my blog content. However, as my followers began to grow, so did the pressure to create Instagram-exclusive content. I remember hitting the 500 followers mark and feeling so thrilled. They were genuine followers, real people who truly cared about what I had to say. 

Now, my follower count hovers around 1800, but it dips a little more each day. I question the authenticity of most of them. I reckon about 500 of them are genuinely interested in my content. I toyed with the idea of starting anew with a fresh Instagram account to better engage and grow my audience. I even did some research on how to go about it. But, after much contemplation, I realized that's not the real problem. The issue lies in my reluctance to create content purely for Instagram growth. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Leveling Up: New Healthy Habits I'm Embracing This Year - Join Me!

Hello World!

I'm so excited to share with you some of the new healthy habits I'm incorporating into my life this year, and I invite you to join me on this journey of growth and self-improvement. In this post, I'll be covering a range of topics, from prioritizing self-care and incorporating physical activity, to mindful eating, cultivating a positive mindset, getting enough sleep, setting realistic goals, and more. So let's dive in and explore these new habits together, shall we?


Leveling up—in essence, it means going a step above your current state. It's about seeking growth, embracing change, and striving to become a better version of oneself. This concept is not merely confined to video games or professional progression. It applies to our personal lives too, especially when it comes to our health and well-being. Healthy habits play a crucial role in our overall wellness. What we eat, how much we sleep, our physical activity levels, our mindset—each of these factors contributes to our health in significant ways. While we might not see immediate effects, consistent healthy habits help us level up our lives in the long run. Here are some healthy habits, I'll be incorporating this year.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Becoming the Best Version of Myself: How 2023 Transformed Me into a Healthier and Wealthier Individual

Hello World!

Can you believe it's already 2024? As I sit here reflecting on the past year, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and accomplishment. You see, 2023 was the year that transformed me into a healthier and wealthier individual, and I couldn't be more proud of the progress I've made. The concept of "becoming the best version of oneself" is often tossed around, but it wasn't until 2023 that I truly understood its power. Today, I want to take you on a journey through my personal transformation and share with you how I became the best version of myself. From prioritizing physical health to nurturing mental well-being, and from achieving financial growth to reflecting on personal growth, this blog post will cover it all. So grab a cozy blanket, a warm cup of tea, and let's dive in!


Photo by Estúdio Bloom on Unsplash

We've all heard the phrase "be the best version of yourself." It's something of a mantra in self-help circles, but it can often feel like a vague and nebulous concept. It wasn't until last year that I grasped the true meaning of this mantra and took it to heart. I decided to mold myself into the best I could be – physically, mentally, and financially.

My life before 2023 was comfortable, but it lacked direction and fulfillment. I was drifting along, living life on autopilot. I was physically unfit, mentally tired, and financially unstable. The dissatisfaction kept gnawing at me until one day, it dawned on me - I deserved better, and I was the only one who could make it happen. I decided to hit the reset button in 2023.

The year 2023 was a revelation! Through the course of the year, I made conscious, deliberate choices which had a significant impact on my life. From choosing to eat healthier, incorporating physical activities into my daily routine, prioritizing mental health – I realized that becoming the best version of oneself is an inside job.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Tuesdays with Kerin: Gardening, Basketball & The O.C.?

 Hello World,

I'm back with another Tuesday with Kerin. Did you miss me?

Spring with Dirt and Flowers

It's been a while since I've done one of these, and honestly I don't have that much to update you on.  Last we spoke, I had a thriving herb garden, and today I can report that everything is dead - well not everything. I replanted my cilantro, so it just recently sprouted, but everything else is dead or dying. Even my sage, which was doing so well. I have no explanation for it. I continued doing all the same things, but they're just not surviving, but hey what are you gonna do? But I'm not giving up. It's almost Spring, which will a great time for reviving my garden. The last frost of Spring in Houston is February 17th, if you were wondering. That's also Ash Wednesday and my brothers' birthday. So I'll going to buy some more seeds and my raised garden this week or next week, and then I'll start these seeds outside, so I don't have worry about transitioning them, and since it won't be cold anymore, they should be fine. But I will keep you updated. 

But let's see what else? I've been working, working, and um... yeah working. So all very exciting. But really I'm trying to think, but I don't think I've done much of anything in the last 2 weeks. I feel like I've just sitting in on the couch on my laptop (I work from the couch now) watching TV.  Getting dressed has become a event for me. 
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