A Guide to Radiant Living - Where Wellness Meets Wonder

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: Grapes & Cool Ranch Doritos

Happy Tuesday!

First things first, before we get into anything else, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I didn't do my long run last weekend. Truth be told, my training efforts were lackluster last week; I only hit the pavement once on Tuesday. But fear not, this week, I shall endeavor to do better.

On a more positive note, Movie Tuesday brought a delightful rewatch of Challengers with my sister. It's crazy how perspectives can shift upon revisiting a film. Highly recommend giving it a second viewing for a fresh take! Despite a taxing workday, I managed to drag myself to an Early Screening of Fall Guy on Wednesday, and was well worth the effort. Ryan Gosling has hilarious! Find my detailed review here.

Thursday was another marathon of a day, but once more I managed to drag myself out bed, but this time for some quality family bonding. Snacking with my mother, sister, and brother, we caught up on the latest episode of Under the Bridge. The cherry on top was getting them to watch Knuckles! I think they enjoyed it for the most part. We snacked on Cool Ranch Doritos, but no grapes though!

I hate to talk about it, because it's so boring, but I'm not gonna lie, work has been a total buzzkill lately, keeping me very busy and potentially sapping my workout motivation. Or could the lack of quality shut-eye be a culprit? My sleep schedule has been a mess, averaging around 5 hours a night, with a rock-bottom of 3 hours on one particularly brutal night. Something's amiss; even my trusty melatonin gummies seem to have lost their magic. Perhaps my caffeine intake is to blame. Regardless, Friday saw me crash straight into bed post-work.

Saturday was a slow-motion affair, indulging in a movie marathon with a rewatch of The Idea of You and the conclusion of Bones and All. Plans for a Spooky Saturday watching Tarot took a backseat to a cozy evening in, watching Leave the World Behind with my mom. Sunday mirrored Saturday's leisurely pace - a prolonged slumber followed by a Renegade Nell binge session with my brother, capped off by my weekly dose of Tracker and a hint to resume The Wheel of Time. With that, I bid adieu to the weekend, a period well-spent in lazy bliss.

That's all for now. Till next week!

Weekly Obsession: I'm not going to lie. It's still Knuckles. I'll admit, I've been watching an episode daily ever since it premiered. Could it be that Knuckles has become my go-to feel-good series?

What I'm Reading: As for my current reading list? Well, it's looking pretty empty. Any recommendations out there? I've pretty much given up on finishing The Idea of You.

What I'm Watching: I'm keeping up with Tracker without fail each week. Oh, and as for Shogun? Still lingering on my watchlist, unfinished.

Au Revior,


1 comment

  1. This update has me chuckling . Your obsession with Knuckles 😎


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