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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Where the heck have I been?

Hello World!

Omg! I got online today and realized I haven't posted in 3 weeks! I don't know what happened. I didn't realize it had been so long. I'm so sorry. I guess I just got busy and compounded with my perpetual laziness,  I just lost track of time.  But alas I have found my way, and  I indeed have much to inform on you on. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a slightly longer than usual post today.

Okay, when I last left you, I was neck-deep in my Supernatural obsession and deeply invested in the NBA Playoffs. So none of that has really changed, except I have taken a break from Supernatural because I only have 2 more seasons left and I'm not ready for it to be over. So I've been stemming the tide by re-watching season 13 episodes and watching a tone of Supernatural convention panels. Yeah, it's really bad, but we all have our vices. But for real for real, I've watched so many convention panels, that I'm strongly considering going to the Supernatural convention in Vegas this December, and I hate Vegas, so that's saying a lot. But we'll see. Who knows what I'll be obsessed with come December?

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Tuesdays with Kerin: This is It!

Hello World!

This is it! I'm done! I did it! I had my last final today, and now I'm done with the year! YASSSSSS!!! This time couldn't have come any later, because I am so done with school. But alas now I get a reprieve. 
Hmmm.. let's see what did I do last week...

Well my new found love of Supernatural has turned into full blown addiction. It is literally all I do. I sit down, eat ice, and play Solitaire while I watch Supernatural. I'm over halfway through season 7 now, and it's still good!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Real Techniques Brush Crush Collection: What's the Tea?

Hello World!

So a few weeks ago, I ordered the new limited edition Brush Crush Collection from Real Techniques, and I've finally gotten around to using it. The collection has 8 brushes, a sponge, and a silicon applicator. The design of the whole collection is very cute with pink, purple and glitter! But do they work? I tried everything from the collection and here are my thoughts.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Tuesdays With Kerin: Wednesday May 2nd

Hello World!

So this is the part where I would usually say something about not posting last week or the fact that today is Wednesday and not Tuesday, but you already know the drill, so I think I'll just skip all that and get right to it. Okay, then.

This is my last week of school! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Then I have finals next week, and I'm done with school!
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